Experience Geevor through your senses
Sound, smell, texture and colour, make long lasting connections to the heritage of Geevor through your hands, ears, eyes and nose!
Discover the Colours and Textures of Geevor
Download our booklet and map (or pick one up onsite) to experience Geevor's unique palette of amazing colours.. bright blue wooden doors, rusty machinery set against grey skies, bumpy yellow mucker trucks, orange dusted clothing in the dry and much more.
Spot our tactile Sensory Markers and discover lots of interesting things to hear, smell and touch - like the noise of machinery and sounds of stories from the past. The smell of the metal tang of the Blacksmiths or the touch of real tin ore and be surprised by its heavy weight.
Proudly part of the 'More Than Words' project working with the Sensory Trust funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund.